I know today is only Monday, and Week 7 has just begun, but I just had some thoughts to get out:
Today was a LONG day, we had 2 hours all together doing flexibility and trapeze conditioning with Jamie, then half of us broke off to go do dance (not my half) and my half stayed around to do theraband (those stretchy latexy bands that you pull on to work muscles) exercises with Jamie and some more abs, and stretching. So for my half of the group, it was 3 hours straight of muscle work, and improving flexibility.
My left split is pretty much on the floor, getting more comfortable with that as the days go by. My right split (damn you right quad muscle) is still iffy, but I'm persistent to opening up that leg (even if it means just getting an hour with Bill and tell him to just go to TOWN on it).
Apparently what I thought was my shoulders being inflexible, was actually just my shoulders being very flexible and my upper back not being flexible at all. Again, as I already know, all my back stretches just rely on my lower back (which is nicely bendy) to deal with all the bending.
My core strength is really increasing. My harder trapeze strengthening exercises are getting less hard and more possible :) I'm going to be filming a progress video sometime this week.
It was just a very long day. I also had Lyra and Sling class tonight.
It was ok, it was good for me strength wise, but today was ALL hoop stuff, and just review on sling, and I know all the hoop stuff we're doing, but it's good to make me have to do it with perfect form and stuff.
Biceps, rest tonight.
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